
With cases back on the rise and employers back in business, we must answer one important question. We must ask ourselves “Is this COVID-19 case work-related?” in order to solve this question here are a few sample questions to help examine if this case if work related:

  • Ask the employee how they believe they were exposed to coronavirus.
  • Ask the employee about their in and out-of-work activities, while respecting their privacy.
  • Examine your employees work environment for potential coronavirus exposure.
  • Review other employees who’ve worked closely with sick employee.

As stated by our friends at MyHRConcierge an injury of illness is work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment caused or contributed to an employee being sick or ill. The following make it more likely that the COVID-19 case is work related:

  • The employee constantly interacts with the public.
  • Employees are not social distancing in the workplace.
  • Other employees have tested positive in the workplace.

If the COVID-19 case is work-related it must be reported. Here are the timelines for reporting depending on the outcome:

  • Fatality – must be reported within 8 hours.
  • Impatient Hospitalization – must be reported within 24 hours.

All these reporting periods are based on when the employer learns about the work-related incident. If OSHA area office is closed employers are expected to call in the incidents at 1-800-321-6742 or by filling out a reporting application at